Mentally Deranged people now on Social Medias

Mentally Deranged people now on Social Medias

  • Frank Parfait NAMEKONG
  • Published 5 years, 9 months ago
  • View Comments

Not everybody you see on Social Medias is well (mentally ok). Some people know, think and feel deep down inside them, that they are nothing. They feel so useless that they feel like giving up (suicide) at times.

Those are some of the reasons why you will see so much hate in them on Social Medias. The only thing they do is crush others with hate. The only time they post something is when they want to downgrade others. You will think it's because they're courageous but it's because of their lack of self-esteem (they need to belong. And for that reason, they can do anything stupid). It's painful to see the amount of energy being used by these psychopaths just to put others down on the same level as them.

When someone is ready to insult people with their natural looks just to seek attention, note that the person is mentally deranged and needs help. If you are close to them, try to talk to them, try to know what's wrong with them. Because if they don't get enough attention as wanted, the next thing you will hear is that they brutalized someone physically or that they committed suicide.

Happy week-end to all the positive people out there!!! Use the energy you got, to build and not to destroy!!

Nowadays, we find a certain category of people on Social Medias who are fed by one thing: tarnish people's image. They do that by insulting (with natural looks) and criticizing on their professional works. This article tells us something about one of the reasons why they behave like that.
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